
해양 수중 사진 대회(Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest) 최종 수상작

다채롭고 경이로운 수중세계를 볼 수 있는 사진 대회이다.
아래 사이트에서 감상할 수 있다.



Ocean Art 2022 Winning Images (Large Images)




Quick Links:

Wide Angle   
   Marine Life Behavior   


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Best of Show

 "Octopus Mother"
Best of Show - Kat Zhou
Shot near Florida, USA


Wide-Angle Category

 "Shark Trio"
1st Place - Renee Capozzola
Shot in South Fakarava, French Polynesia
"The Hunt"
2nd Place - Daniel Nicholson
Shot in Ningaloo Reef, Australia

"The Blue Abyss"
3rd Place - Martin Broen
Shot in Yucatan Mexico

"The White Whale"
4th Place - Julian Gunther
Shot in Peninsula Valdes, Argentina

"Say Cheese!"
Honorable Mention - Josh Blank

"Mobula Munkiana"
Honorable Mention - Adam Martin
Shot in Sea of Cortez, Mexico


 "Octopus Mother"
1st Place - Kat Zhou
Shot in Florida, USA

"The Lady in Red"
2nd Place - Matthew Sullivan
Shot in Florida, USA

"Southern Bobtail Squid"
3rd Place - Nicholas Remy
Shot in Tasmania, Australia

"Something in My Mouth"
4th Place - Novrizal Herdananto
Shot in Lembeh Strait, Indonesia

"The Eye"
Honorable Mention - Kat Zhou
Shot in Bimini, Bahamas

Marine Life Behavior

1st Place - Galice Hoarau
Shot in Saltstraumen, Norway

"Chew With Your Mouth Closed!"
2nd Place - Bryant Turffs
Shot in Florida, USA

"Coral Spawning"
3rd Place - Tom Shlesinger
Shot in Gulf of Aqaba and Eilat, Israel

"Frog Mates"
4th Place - Kirko Zanni
Shot in South Switzerland

Honorable Mention - Luc Rooman
Shot in Lake Grevelingen Scharendijke, Holland

"Winner Takes the Worm Hole"
Honorable Mention - Mark Green
Shot in Florida, USA


 "Mirror Reflection"
1st Place - Kuo-Wei Kao
Shot in Pinglin, Taiwan

"Shark Portrait"
2nd Place - Gabriella Luongo
Shot in Azores, Portugal

"Eye to Eye"
3rd Place - Kim Briers
Shot in Dauin, Philippines

"To Be or Not to Be"
4th Place - Andrew Cummings
Shot in Curacao

Honorable Mention - Frank Begun
Shot in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

"En Garde"
Honorable Mention - Jeff Molder
Shot in Hawaii, USA

"Parasite Waiting for the Next Victim"
Honorable Mention - Lorenzo Terraneo
Shot in Capo Noli, Italy


"The Rare Spotted Hand-Fish from Tasmania"
1st Place - Nicolas Remy 
Shot in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

2nd Place - Yannick Gouguenheim
Shot in South East of France

"Dancing Rockfish Silhouettes"
3rd Place - Jon Anderson
Shot in Monterey, California, USA

"Look Up"
Honorable Mention - Shouhao Ren
Shot in Catalina Island, USA

"The Next Generation"
Honorable Mention - Sage Ono
Shot in Monterey, California, USA

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#수중사진전 #해양생물 #사진전

Posted by gromet

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