
시놀로지-큐냅-큐냅 나스 백업


1. 아래 방법으로 시놀로지를 설정하면 데이터를 압축 저장하여 실제 폴더와 파일이 보이지 않는다.
    방법을 선택할 때 "단일버전"으로 해야 폴더와 파일이 보인다.

2. 큐냅은 설정 후 시작을 해 주어야 한다.


==============시놀로지 설정====================






==============큐냅 설정====================






Posted by gromet

Syncthing: 실시간 파일 동기화 프로그램 (NAS간 동기화 검토)






Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared wit



원격 사무실에서 본사의 NAS에 접속하는데 어려움이 있어 (SMB 사용) 해소 방안을 검토 중이다.
지사 사무실에 NAS를 설치하여 본사와 동기화 시키고 SMB를 이용하면 속도문제도 해소되고 파일 공유 문제도 해결 할 수 있을 것 같다.


#NAS #동기화 #파일동기화 #NAS간동기화 #실시간



Posted by gromet

큐냅 나스 디스크 검사 (SSH)

큐냅 스토리지 및 스냅샷 메뉴에서 디스크 검사를 진행했으나 41%에서 더 이상 진행이 되지 않는다.


그래서 SSH로 접속해서 디스크 검사를 해 보기로 했다.
방법은 아래와 같다.


For New Firmware (4.1.0 and later) (64 Bit)
/etc/init.d/services.sh stop
/etc/init.d/opentftp.sh stop
/etc/init.d/Qthttpd.sh stop
umount /dev/mapper/cachedev1
e2fsck_64 -f -v -C 0 /dev/mapper/cachedev1
mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/cachedev1 /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA


실행을 하면 디스크가 사용중이라고 하며 진행이 되지 않는데 프로세스를 확인해 보면 실행이 되고 있다.
2개가 실행되고 있는 건 이상하다.

[~] # ps ax | grep fsck
3575 admin 964 S grep fsck
7062 admin 3376 S N sh -c /bin/e2fsck_64 -C 0 -fy -N /dev/mapper/cachedev1 /dev/mapper/cachedev1 &>/dev/null
7063 admin 347092 R N /bin/e2fsck_64 -C 0 -fy -N /dev/mapper/cachedev1 /dev/mapper/cachedev1


결과를 지켜보자.




<!--:en-->The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you run “check disk”.<!--:--><!--:Tr-->The file system is not c

I - Warning “, “System”, “″, “localhost”, “[Linear Disk Volume: Drive 1 2 3 4] The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you run “check disk”.” II – How To Solve “Examination Fail...



#qnap #nas #diskcheck #e2fsck #큐냅 #나스 #디스크검사


Posted by gromet

Qnap Nas 디스크 검사 (콘솔/ssh)


/etc/init.d/services.sh stop
/etc/init.d/opentftp.sh stop
/etc/init.d/Qthttpd.sh stop
/etc/init.d/rsnap.sh stop

umount /dev/md0

e2fsck -f -v -C 0 /dev/md0


#qnap #Nas #Raid #디스크검사

Posted by gromet

넷기어 레디나스 ReadyNAS 용 앱 검토


넷기어 레디나스의 원격접속 (넷기어 자체 VPN) 이용이 원활하지 않은 경우가 있어,
해당 원격접속의 장애가 있을 경우를 대비하여 대체수단을 찾고 있다.
BR200과 같은 VPN 장비를 설치하여 넷기어 자체 VPN을 대체하는 것이 좋을 같아서 검토중인데,
큐냅이나 시놀러지와 같이 자체에 VPN 서버를 설치할 수 있지 않을까 하여 확인해 보니,
역시 설치할 수 있었다.

아래 레디나스 앱 다운로드 페이지에서 확인 및 다운로드가 가능하다.



Get Apps | ReadyNAS Applications

You can install an app on your ReadyNAS storage system from the local admin page of your ReadyNAS storage system or you can install an app from this website. NETGEAR recommends that you install apps from the local admin page of your ReadyNAS system. To in



아래와 같은 앱들이 설치가 가능하다.

Name Author Downloads 

  • Ajaxplorer

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 17850
    • Download for: all devices

  • Archiware Pure

    • Info
    • Author: Archiware
    • Downloads: 124
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Asterisk

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 7291
    • Download for: all devices

  • Automatic for Bittorrent

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 3774
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Archiware P5

    • Info
    • Author: Archiware
    • Downloads: 1207
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Contacts and Calendars Server

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 11083
    • Download for: all devices

  • bindr6

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 6182
    • Download for: all devices

  • bzeetr6

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 3073
    • Download for: all devices

  • CouchPotatoServer

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 7016
    • Download for: all devices

  • DDclient

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 9251
    • Download for: all devices

  • DNS Server for ReadyNAS

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 8503
    • Download for: all devices

  • Docker CE CLI

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 4949
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Domotz

    • Info
    • Author: oom-312
    • Downloads: 142
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Drupal

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 3053
    • Download for: all devices

  • Emby Server

    • Info
    • Author: Emby Media
    • Downloads: 4141
    • Download for: x86_64

  • GLPI

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 3267
    • Download for: all devices

  • htop

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 8132
    • Download for: x86_64

  • IDrive

    • Info
    • Author: Deepak Chaurasia
    • Downloads: 8184
    • Download for: x86_64

  • istat

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 23130
    • Download for: all devices

  • joomla

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 4828
    • Download for: all devices

  • Kernel Plus

    • Info
    • Author: NETGEAR, Inc.
    • Downloads: 6711
    • Download for: all devices

  • koken

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 3439
    • Download for: all devices

  • Limesurvey

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 1818
    • Download for: all devices

  • linux-dash

    • Info
    • Author: Slobberbone
    • Downloads: 9622
    • Download for: all devices

  • Milestone Arcus Surveillance

    • Info
    • Author: NETGEAR, Inc.
    • Downloads: 5068
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Monsta FTP Client for Readynas

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 9702
    • Download for: all devices

  • MySql Server

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 29047
    • Download for: all devices

  • iStat NT

    • Info
    • Author: NAStools
    • Downloads: 4144
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Logitech Media Server NT

    • Info
    • Author: NAStools
    • Downloads: 2500
    • Download for: x86_64

  • netdata NT

    • Info
    • Author: NAStools
    • Downloads: 5078
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Transmission NT

    • Info
    • Author: NAStools
    • Downloads: 7615
    • Download for: x86_64

  • NAKIVO Backup and Replication

    • Info
    • Author: NAKIVO
    • Downloads: 1981
    • Download for: x86_64

  • NAKIVO Transporter

    • Info
    • Author: NAKIVO
    • Downloads: 934
    • Download for: x86_64

  • NZBGet

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 3324
    • Download for: x86_64

  • PeanutHull DDNS

    • Info
    • Author: Oray.Inc
    • Downloads: 2085
    • Download for: x86_64

  • osCommerce

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 2595
    • Download for: all devices

  • osticket

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 3693
    • Download for: all devices

  • PHPMyAdmin

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 18937
    • Download for: all devices

  • PHP

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 18611
    • Download for: all devices

  • PHPSysInfo for Readynas

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 8804
    • Download for: all devices

  • Piwigo

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 7104
    • Download for: all devices

  • Plex Media Server

    • Info
    • Author: Plex
    • Downloads: 139006
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Plex Media Server (for RN2xx)

    • Info
    • Author: Plex
    • Downloads: 15117
    • Download for: armel

  • Portainer

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 2451
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Prestashop

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 1846
    • Download for: all devices

  • Pydio File Explorer for Readynas

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 8372
    • Download for: all devices

  • Python

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 8799
    • Download for: all devices

  • Qbittorrent Client

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 24203
    • Download for: all devices

  • QuikFynd

    • Info
    • Author: QuikFynd
    • Downloads: 808
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Recoll

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 3134
    • Download for: all devices

  • Resilio Sync

    • Info
    • Author: Resilio
    • Downloads: 25831
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Selfoss

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 1617
    • Download for: all devices

  • Shell in a box

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 9174
    • Download for: x86_64

  • SickBeard for ReadyNAS

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 5522
    • Download for: all devices

  • SickChill

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 2257
    • Download for: all devices

  • SickRage

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 5468
    • Download for: all devices

  • SMB Plus

    • Info
    • Author: NETGEAR, Inc.
    • Downloads: 70027
    • Download for: x86_64

  • subversion

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 6612
    • Download for: all devices

  • SugarCRM Community Edition

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 2665
    • Download for: all devices

  • Tautulli

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 2655
    • Download for: all devices

  • Tftp Server for Readynas

    • Info
    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
    • Downloads: 8179
    • Download for: all devices

  • transmission

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 49138
    • Download for: all devices

  • TVMosaic

    • Info
    • Author: DVBLogic
    • Downloads: 4158
    • Download for: x86_64

  • Twonky Server

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 2997
    • Download for: x86_64

  • µTorrent

    • Info
    • Author: Mhynlo
    • Downloads: 6103
    • Download for: x86_64

  • VirtualHere USB Server

    • Info
    • Author: Michael
    • Downloads: 8518
    • Download for: x86_64

  • HOBLink VPN Gateway

    • Info
    • Author: HOB
    • Downloads: 1875
    • Download for: x86_64

  • VPN Server

    • Info
    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 32872
    • Download for: all devices


여기서 내가 필요한 것은 VPN Server


설치하고 접속 등을 확인할 예정이다.


#VPN #VPNSERVER #NetGear #ReadyNAS #넷기어 #레디나스 #NAS #나스


Posted by gromet

4월 23일 QNAP으로부터 비정기 메일이 도착했다.



Response to Qlocker Ransomware Attacks: Take Actions to Secure QNAP NAS

내용을 보니 큐냅 나스를 공격하는 랜섬웨어가 발생했고 피해를 방지하기 위해서 즉시 조치를 취하라는 내용이었다.

  • Malware Remover 최신으로 설치 검사
  • Multimedia Console 업데이트
  • Media Streaming Add-on 업데이트
  • Hybrid Backup Sync 업데이트
  • 어려운 비밀번호로 변경
  • 기본 8080 관리포트 변경

등의 조치 내용이 담겨있었다.

바로 관리하고 있는 큐냅 나스들의 업데이트를 진행했다.


아래는 큐냅에서 온 메일의 전문이다.
큐냅 사이트에서 확인가능하다. (여기)



Response to Qlocker Ransomware Attacks: Take Actions to Secure QNAP NAS

Taipei, Taiwan, April 22, 2021 – QNAP® Systems, Inc. (QNAP), a leading computing, networking and storage solution innovator, today issued a statement in response to recent user reports and media coverage that two types of ransomware (Qlocker and eCh0raix) are targeting QNAP NAS and encrypting users’ data for ransom. QNAP strongly urges that all users immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan on QNAP NAS. The Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and Hybrid Backup Sync apps need to be updated to the latest available version as well to further secure QNAP NAS from ransomware attacks. QNAP is urgently working on a solution to remove malware from infected devices.


QNAP has released an updated version of Malware Remover for operating systems such as QTS and QuTS hero to address the ransomware attack. If user data is encrypted or being encrypted, the NAS must not be shut down. Users should run a malware scan with the latest Malware Remover version immediately, and then contact QNAP Technical Support at https://service.qnap.com/.


For unaffected users , it's recommended to immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan as a precautionary measure. All user should update their passwords to stronger ones, and the Multimedia Console, Media Streaming Add-on, and Hybrid Backup Sync apps need to be updated to the latest available version. Additionally, users are advised to modify the default network port 8080 for accessing the NAS operating interface. Steps to perform the operation can be found in the information security best practice offered by QNAP (https://qnap.to/3daz2n). The data stored on NAS should be backed up or backed up again utilizing the 3-2-1 backup rule, to further ensure data integrity and security.


For details, please refer to the QNAP security advisory QSA-21-11 (https://qnap.to/3eq7hy) and QSA-21-13 (https://qnap.to/3dygse).


QNAP Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) constantly monitors the latest intelligence to deliver up-to-date information and software updates, ensuring data security for users. Once again, QNAP urges users to take the above-mentioned actions and periodically check/install product software updates to keep their devices away from malicious influences. QNAP also provides the best practice for improving personal and organizational information security. By working together to fight against cybersecurity threats, we make the Internet a safer place for everyone.



About QNAP Systems, Inc.


QNAP (Quality Network Appliance Provider) is devoted to providing comprehensive solutions in software development, hardware design and in-house manufacturing. Focusing on storage, networking and smart video innovations, QNAP now introduce a revolutionary Cloud NAS solution that joins our cutting-edge subscription-based software and diversified service channel ecosystem. QNAP envisions NAS as being more than simple storage and has created a cloud-based networking infrastructure for users to host and develop artificial intelligence analysis, edge computing and data integration on their QNAP solutions.


Media Contacts



Posted by gromet
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