
개인정보 유출 6개사에 8400만원 부과 2021.06.09


㈜그라운드원 등 2개 사업자는 비밀번호 관리 소홀 등으로 사용자 주민등록번호가 암호화되지 않은 상태로 유출됐고, 이에 따른 개인정보 유출 신고, 통지를 지연했다.


개인정보위는 법규에 명시된 개인정보 유출 신고와 통지 의무, 안전성 확보조치 의무 등을 위반한 6개사 모두에게 과태료를 부과했다. 이에 대해 접근통제를 위반하거나 주민등록번호를 암호화하지 않은 MS 등 3개사에는 과징금을 부과하고, 개인정보취급자 관리 감독을 소홀히 한 ㈜그라운드원 등 3개사에는 개선권고 처분을 내렸다.


MS는 개인정보처리 시스템 관리자 계정 접근통제 등을 하지 않았다. 이메일서비스 '아웃룩'의 계정이 세계에서 11만9432개 유출됐고, 이가운데 국내 이용자 계정 144개의 개인정보도 유출당했다. 영문으로 24시간 이내에 유출 통지가 이뤄졌으나 한국어로는 통지가 11일 지연돼, 개인정보 유출신고와 이용자 통지 등 조치에 늦은 것으로 판단됐다. 과징금 340만원과 과태료 1300만원을 부과받았다.

그라운드원과 이노베이션아카데미는 패스워드 관리 소홀 등으로 암호화를 하지 않은 상태의 주민등록번호를 유출당했다. 이에 따른 개인정보 유출 신고나 통지 조치에 늦었다. 개인정보 취급자에 대한 관리·감독에 소홀했다. 그라운드원은 과징금 2500만원과 과태료 600만원, 이노베이션아카데미는 과징금 2500만원과 과태료 300만원을 부과받았다.






정부, 개인정보 유출됐는데도 신고 늦게 한 MS 등 6개사에 8400만원 부과

정부, 개인정보 유출됐는데도 신고 늦게 한 MS 등 6개사에 8400만원 부과 개인정보위 개인정보 유출 신고·통지, 안전성 확보조치 의무 위반




개인정보위, 개인정보 안정성 확보 못한 MS 등 6개사에 8400만원 과태료 부과

개인정보위, 개인정보 안정성 확보 못한 MS 등 6개사에 8400만원 과태료 부과




개인정보위, MS·카카오계열사 등 6개사에 과징금·과태료 8440만원

개인정보보호위원회는 9일 전체회의를 열고 마이크로소프트(MS), 카카오그룹 계열사 그라운드원 등 6개 사업자에 8440만원의 과징금·과태료를 부과했다.MS는 개인정보처...




같은 사안인데 제목을 저렇게 다르게 뽑는구나.



Posted by gromet
Posted by gromet

넷기어 레디나스 ReadyNAS 용 앱 검토


넷기어 레디나스의 원격접속 (넷기어 자체 VPN) 이용이 원활하지 않은 경우가 있어,
해당 원격접속의 장애가 있을 경우를 대비하여 대체수단을 찾고 있다.
BR200과 같은 VPN 장비를 설치하여 넷기어 자체 VPN을 대체하는 것이 좋을 같아서 검토중인데,
큐냅이나 시놀러지와 같이 자체에 VPN 서버를 설치할 수 있지 않을까 하여 확인해 보니,
역시 설치할 수 있었다.

아래 레디나스 앱 다운로드 페이지에서 확인 및 다운로드가 가능하다.



Get Apps | ReadyNAS Applications

You can install an app on your ReadyNAS storage system from the local admin page of your ReadyNAS storage system or you can install an app from this website. NETGEAR recommends that you install apps from the local admin page of your ReadyNAS system. To in



아래와 같은 앱들이 설치가 가능하다.

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  • Ajaxplorer

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    • Author: Poussin
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  • Archiware Pure

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    • Author: Archiware
    • Downloads: 124
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  • Asterisk

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  • Automatic for Bittorrent

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    • Author: Poussin
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  • Archiware P5

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    • Author: Archiware
    • Downloads: 1207
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  • Contacts and Calendars Server

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    • Author: ReadyNAS Guru
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  • bindr6

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  • CouchPotatoServer

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    • Downloads: 7016
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  • DDclient

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    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 9251
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  • DNS Server for ReadyNAS

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  • Docker CE CLI

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  • Drupal

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  • Emby Server

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  • GLPI

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  • IDrive

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  • Kernel Plus

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  • koken

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  • Limesurvey

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  • linux-dash

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  • Milestone Arcus Surveillance

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    • Downloads: 5068
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  • Monsta FTP Client for Readynas

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  • MySql Server

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  • iStat NT

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  • Logitech Media Server NT

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  • netdata NT

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  • Transmission NT

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  • NAKIVO Backup and Replication

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  • NAKIVO Transporter

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  • NZBGet

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  • PeanutHull DDNS

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    • Author: Oray.Inc
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  • osCommerce

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  • osticket

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  • PHPMyAdmin

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  • PHP

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  • PHPSysInfo for Readynas

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  • Piwigo

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  • Plex Media Server

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  • Plex Media Server (for RN2xx)

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  • Portainer

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  • Prestashop

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  • Pydio File Explorer for Readynas

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  • Python

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  • Qbittorrent Client

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  • Resilio Sync

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  • Selfoss

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  • Shell in a box

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  • SickBeard for ReadyNAS

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  • SickChill

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  • SickRage

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  • SMB Plus

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  • subversion

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  • SugarCRM Community Edition

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  • Tautulli

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  • Tftp Server for Readynas

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  • transmission

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  • TVMosaic

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  • Twonky Server

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  • µTorrent

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  • VirtualHere USB Server

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    • Author: Michael
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  • HOBLink VPN Gateway

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    • Author: HOB
    • Downloads: 1875
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  • VPN Server

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    • Author: Poussin
    • Downloads: 32872
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여기서 내가 필요한 것은 VPN Server


설치하고 접속 등을 확인할 예정이다.


#VPN #VPNSERVER #NetGear #ReadyNAS #넷기어 #레디나스 #NAS #나스


Posted by gromet

특정 계정에서 스팸메일이 발송될 경우가 있다.

1. queue를 확인해서 발송 도메인, 메일주소를 검색하여 해당 queue 파일을 삭제할 수 있다.

mailq |tail -n +2| grep -i 도메인,메일주소 | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '*!'| postsuper -d -


2. 발송 도메인, 메일주소를 지정하기가 애매한 경우가 있고 메일 내용에서 특정 부분이 일치한다면 해당 queue 파일을 찾아 삭제할 수 있다.

find /var/spool/postfix/ -type f -exec grep -l '찾는 내용' '{}' \; | xargs -n1 basename | xargs -n1 postsuper -d





Removing messages from a postfix queue based on message body content

I would like to delete some messages from an existing postfix queue based on a string match in the message body. Any suggestions?



#postfix #spam #스팸메일

Posted by gromet

Varnish Load Balance Request (round-robin, weighting)

Load balance requests (Should know)


Balancing requests is a great way to share workload across the cluster pool and avoid overloading a single server instance, keeping the overall health of the system. There's also the possibility to direct VIP customers to a dedicated cluster pool, guaranteeing them the best user experience.

By using a director group, Varnish will manage and spread the incoming requests to those servers included in it. Having the servers constantly checked, Varnish can take care of the sick servers and maintain everything as if there was no problem at all.

Getting ready

There are six types of director groups to be configured: random, client, hash, round-robin, DNS, and fallback. While the random director is self-explanatory (randomly distributes requests), a DNS director can be used to spread to an entire network of servers. The hash director will always choose a backend based on the hash of the incoming URL and the fallback director can be used in emergency cases when servers behave oddly.

The two most common directors are the round-robin and client directors.

The round-robin can be used to spread requests one by one to the entire cluster of servers no matter what is requested, and the client director can be used to create a sticky-session based on unique information provided by the client, such as an IP address.

In this recipe we will create both the client and round-robin balancers to spread requests across application servers.

How to do it...

  1. Group the backend servers to load balance requests by using the following code snippet:In the preceding example, we have declared that our director named dr1 is a round-robin director, and inside this director there are four backend servers to be balanced. Backend servers server01 to server04 have already been configured earlier and this declaration is only referring to them.
  2. director dr1 round-robin { { .backend = server01 } { .backend = server02 } { .backend = server03 } { .backend = server04 } }
  3. Create a sticky-session pool of servers by using the following code snippet:At first, there's absolutely no difference from the round-robin declaration to the client one, but inside your vcl_recv subroutine, you'll need to specify what identifies a unique client. Varnish will use, as default, the client IP address, but if you have other services in front of your Varnish Cache (such as a firewall), you'll need to rewrite the value of the client.identity variable. In the following example, we'll use the X-Forwarded-For header to get the clients' real IP address.sub vcl_recv { set client.identity = req.http.X-Forwarded-For; }
  4. A sticky-session pool is necessary to direct clients to specific parts of your website that requires an HTTP session or authorization, such as shopping cart/checkout and login/logout pages, without breaking their session. Those parts of your website may be critical to your business, and having a sticky-session dedicated cluster can prioritize paying customers while the others are still browsing the products and will not interfere with the checkout process performance.
  5. The X-Forwarded-For header is used to maintain information lost in the proxying process. For more information visit http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-appsawg-http-forwarded-10.
  6. director dr1 client { { .backend = server01 } { .backend = server02 } { .backend = server03 } { .backend = server04 } }

How it works...

By using directors to load balance the requests, we can obtain greater service availability and provide paying customers with an improved user experience.

There's more...

Sometimes it's not possible for all the servers to be identical inside a cluster. Some servers may have more available ram or more processors than others, and to balance requests based on the weakest server in the cluster is not the best way to solve this problem, since the higher end servers would be underused.

Weight-based load balancing improves the balance of the system by taking into account a pre-assigned weight for each server as shown in the following code snippet:

director dr1 client { { .backend = server01 ; .weight=2; } { .backend = server02 ; .weight=2; } { .backend = server03 ; .weight=2; } { .backend = server04 ; .weight=1; } }

Weighting the servers is only possible in the random or client directors.




Load balance requests (Should know) | Instant Varnish Cache How-to




Posted by gromet

구경가기 http://uikhan.com



#추석특가 #추석명절세트 #제주다움 #꿀스틱  #꿀타민 #더나눔 #청해보 #전복장 #새우장 #다시마피클 #도블레 #주방용품 #도마세트 #유익한

Posted by gromet

블로그 이미지
나는 운이 좋은 사람이다 나는 나날이 점점 더 좋아진다 내가 하는 선택과 행동은 반드시 성공으로 이어진다 내게는 인내력과 지속력이 있다 네게는 좋은것들만 모여든다




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